I locked myself out of the house at 11pm had to wait till 1255 to be let in -_-

Sorry for my tardyness in posting things it’s amazing what goes on in ones life and how spectacularly unpredictable  life can be good and bad and greatful for all of […]

Looks around MR.L from hostarmor.com <3 ThankYou for all the beautiful changes to this little blog. i really enjoy the bunnylogic.com/bunny and all the falling snowflakes.

she would be able to vanish and no one would look for or care she is gone.

I have realized that without a cell phone I want to do more non phone related things, like I like looking up at the sky,I miss taking pictures with my […]

Some-days I feel as if social media isn’t for me, I have no desire to have my life validated by others via likes and loves, I don’t whine about my […]

be the toaster strudel in the pop tart world (if you don’t understand what that means it means even tho we are made up of similar insides make your own […]