
Sorry for my tardyness in posting things it’s amazing what goes on in ones life and how spectacularly unpredictable  life can be good and bad and greatful for all of […]

Looks around MR.L from hostarmor.com <3 ThankYou for all the beautiful changes to this little blog. i really enjoy the bunnylogic.com/bunny and all the falling snowflakes.

she would be able to vanish and no one would look for or care she is gone.

be the toaster strudel in the pop tart world (if you don’t understand what that means it means even tho we are made up of similar insides make your own […]

Wisdom from the bunny to her public even tho its just one……. parenting isn’t about sheltering your baby’s, and hiding them from everything that seems unright to you in this […]

The Bunny logic is 1 years old today A cake will be had and made and will be eaten, also i would like to thank MR.L from HostArmor.com for making […]

Mr.L from HostArmor is....

Amazing:) im #1 on Google when you search for me. also if you look up Bunnylogic.com stats you see my old layout