Tips #12-14
#12 treat yourself to a soothing beverage. Take a hot shower when upset. Paint your nails when feeling bad. #13 watch your favorite movie. #14 it’s ok to cry so […]
#12 treat yourself to a soothing beverage. Take a hot shower when upset. Paint your nails when feeling bad. #13 watch your favorite movie. #14 it’s ok to cry so […]
Sorry for the delay but heres 8-10 #8 treat EVERYONE the way you wish to be treated. See above tips. #9 offer a helping hand. #10 tip well and often, […]
If you have to make an excuse to justify it you shouldn’t be doing it.
#5 they didn’t change they will hit you again, and they will try to kill you again. Except this time it’ll be worse. #6 don’t go back, you deserve more […]
To be kind to not only yourself but others too.
Give someone you know something kind they wernt expecting for absolutely no reason at all. Without telling them atleast once. Trust me the joy they will feel for doing something […]
So many fears Fears given to me by my family Fears given to me by my friends Fears given to me by people i loved who didn’t love me. Fears […]
Today as i watched the storm roll in. I was surprised and astonished on how the sun lit up the back of it with a gorgeous red and orange tone […]
Alright my little logicals tell yourself this!